
What is CLOUDCROWD? Cloudcrowd is a facebook application where you can earn money by doing several tasks that you prefer such as writing an article, editing poorly written article, reviewing product services or simply researching keywords in the web.

How much can I earn? It depends on the type of work and the amount of time you spent doing tasks. In my case, I focus more on reviewing company services rather than writing articles. I can earn around $20 to $50 depending on the work im doing.

Lets Get Started

Go Here >>>  CloudCrowd
 Go to App >> Allow
Fill up Form

Create Paypal Account

Go to

Choose your country and choose PREMIER..

Unchecked the "link my credit card" if you don't have a credit card.

Then click agree and create account

Disregard the next page then click "go to my account"

Check your email and activate your paypal account

Taking Credential Exams

The test will last 5-15 minutes depending on how fast can you answer the test

the result will come out easily after you take the exam.. If you get Level 3- Level 5

you can now work on the easiest job available on Cloud Crowd. Categorization!!


I will show you how easy this job is..

 Is CloudCrowd Legit?

I will say Yes! Everyday, i earned $15 to $30 just by doing simple task This is your possible Monthly income just by sitting infront of your computer using your facebook account

Joining is Easy >>> Cloudcrowd App

Good luck to your new career in Cloud Crowd!!


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